- A few key points
- Schedule and absences
- Scheduling of CSI interviews (Individual Follow-up Committee)
- Contract duration
- Training and production requirements
- Absences from training
- Doctoral students’ salary
♦ Attending training courses is part of the doctoral diploma and is required by law. An à la carte offer has been set up by the CED (cross-disciplinary courses) and by the DS itself (specialised courses); the latter are always in English.
♦ The Council has defined minimum requirements for the number of hours for these courses, as well as for scientific output. An Excel file allows you to track your progress in relation to these requirements. We encourage you not to wait until the last year to complete them. Additionally, certain training courses are compulsory (as per ministerial texts), such as ‘Ethics and Scientific Integrity’, which the Council has chosen to make compulsory in the first year (D1) of doctoral studies. This ‘Training & Production’ file must be kept up to date and presented at CSI meetings.
These files are available in the ‘PSIME FORMS’ section.
♦ A file containing all the supporting documents corresponding to your ‘Training & Production’ file will be reviewed by the DS management before the signature initiating the defence procedure. This may be delayed in the event of non-compliance.
This form is available in the ‘PSIME FORMS’ section.
♦ There are three categories of doctoral students who are not subject to the ‘Training’ requirements (apart from ‘Ethics and Scientific Integrity’ and ‘Prevention of all forms of violence and discrimination’):
(1) PhD students with external salaried funding (unrelated to the lab, thesis, or institution where they are registered);
(2) CIFRE contracts;
(3) Joint International Co-supervision.
Obviously, all these PhD students are entitled to all the training courses offered and are strongly encouraged to attend, but they are not obliged to meet the targets set for thesis defence. However, they are still subject to the standard requirements for ‘Productions’.