Individual follow-up committee
The CSI, which stands for ‘Comité de Suivi Individuel’ (Individual Follow-up Committee), is a system that was introduced fairly recently (amended decree 2016–2022) to complement and improve the supervision of doctoral students.
It is a group of at least two people whose role is to monitor the doctoral student’s progress throughout the three years, up to the defence (see below for a guide to the CSI written by the RNCD). Their mission focuses on the conditions (both material and relational) of the doctoral work.
During interviews with doctoral students, the committee assesses the conditions of their training and the progress of their research.
By law, a clear agreement from the CSI is required for annual re-registrations, as well as for any requests for derogatory registration.
From the start of the 2023 academic year, PSIME will have three mandatory meetings at 6, 18, and 30 months. However, the CSI may be convened at any time at the request of any of the parties (doctoral student, thesis director, CSI itself, or doctoral school).