Individual follow-up interviews
Over a three-year period, and given the specific nature of thesis work, it is not uncommon to encounter certain difficulties. These should always be addressed as soon as possible. The people to contact will depend on the nature of the issues.
In this case, you should first speak with the supervisory team, possibly the group leader, then the laboratory management, and, of course, the CSI.
Finally – but only after the CSI has been involved – the DS may arrange a mediation procedure involving all parties.
As you have an employment contract, you must provide a sick leave/accident report in the event of absence. Informal arrangements with the thesis director are not allowed, especially in the case of long-term absence. For your future rights in the event of a ‘long sick leave’, it is crucial to provide work stoppages issued by a doctor. We also ask that you inform the laboratory management (as well as the thesis director, of course) and the DS if you are absent for a prolonged period (more than one month). You do not have to disclose the specific nature of the medical reasons. In addition to the traditional healthcare system, you can also access dedicated services within each institution.
We would also like to remind you not to overlook the emotional and psychological difficulties that can arise from the uncertainties sometimes associated with thesis work. Each institution has dedicated support structures, the addresses of which are listed below:
Each institution has specific services responsible for handling these issues. The links below will guide you to the relevant services depending on your location. For such problems, you must also notify the DS, which has specific obligations in this case: