Registration for training courses
Registration for training courses
For specific and shared training courses, registrations are completed directly on SYGAL using your student digital account. You will receive confirmation of your enrolment 10 days before the course date.
Given the limited number of available places, it is crucial to notify SYGAL if you are unable to attend, allowing the place to be offered to a doctoral student on the waiting list. No doctoral student who has not registered in advance will be permitted to attend a course.
For certain courses or in case of issues, you can contact your ‘training’ correspondent at any of the three sites:
Sandrine MAVIEL
Pôle formation doctorale
Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (DRI)
Direction Recherche et Valorisation(DRV)
Direction de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des Etudes Doctorales (DIRVED)