How it works
How it works
♦ Mobility and training grants are considered on a case-by-case basis. At any time in the year, you can submit an application using the form below. Applications must be submitted at least one month before the start of the event. They will be reviewed by the Executive Board once a month, and you will be informed of the outcome.
The form is available in the “PSIME FORM” section
♦ Mobility and training grants are provided as a lump sum based on the travel destination (excluding the partner country in the case of a joint-thesis): 50 euros for travel within Normandy (note that all requests concerning NU or PSIME training courses are automatically accepted); 200 euros for travel within France; 400 euros for travel within Europe; and 800 euros for travel outside Europe. Subsidies for paid training trainings cannot exceed three-quarters of the cost (and must remain below 800 euros) and may only be granted if similar training courses are not already offered as part of NU or PSIME training programmes.
♦ In all cases, ED grants are paid a posteriori, which means that the laboratories must advance the funds. Transfers to the laboratories’ accounts are made via NU, based on lists drawn up by the DSs, three times a year: February, June, and September. To improve transparency, the DS provides each laboratory with a detailed list of the payments it will receive on each due date.
♦ Please note that no application submitted less than one month before the event can be accepted. Similarly, the DS cannot process the repayment of a grant until it has received confirmation that the mission has been completed (typically a statement of expenses).