To initiate the defence procedure (formalised by the opening of a pre-defence file on SYGAL), the following conditions must be met: (i) your manuscript must be (completely) finished, (ii) you must have formed a jury in compliance with regulations, (iii) all jury members must have agreed on a date and location for the defence, and (iv) you must have fulfilled the requirements set by the DS. We will focus here only on the last point.


These requirements are of three types:

  • Manuscript format: It will be verified that the manuscript is indeed a “monograph” rather than a thesis based on “articles.”
  • Training: The following three points must be met: (1) you must have completed a course on “Ethics and Scientific Integrity” and another on the theme “Prevention of All Forms of Violence and Discrimination”; (2) you must have completed at least 50 hours of training from the T0-T6 panel in the provided Excel file; (3) you must have completed at least 100 hours of training in total, validated by the DS.
  • Publications: You must have achieved at least one of the following three objectives: be a co-author of an article in a peer-reviewed journal, have been a speaker at an international conference, or be a co-signer of a patent. Additionally, you must be able to provide evidence of a total of three production elements from the S1-S3 panel in the provided Excel file.

See the form in the “PSIME FORMS” section

Compliance with these requirements will be verified by the site director. To do this, you must send the following to the site manager: the Excel sheets for training and publications, the completed pre-defence file (available on the site), and a file containing the supporting documents for each item listed in the Excel sheets. Finally, you will need to upload your manuscript to File Sender and send the link via email to the site director so they can verify the format of the manuscript.

The site director can only sign the pre-defence file on SYGAL once the fulfilment of the various conditions detailed above has been validated.

The file is then forwarded to the Presidency of the institution of registration, which will take over for the remainder of the procedure.