The PSIME DS recruits about 100 PhD students per year: about 45  in Caen and Rouen, and 10 in Le Havre.

There are currently about 340 doctoral students enrolled at PSIME, with a total of 251 potential thesis supervisors

(HDR: Habilité à Diriger des Recherches, the highest academic degree in the French universities).

♦ The average duration of doctorates is currently 42 months 

♦ The breakdown across the major disciplines (2021-2023) is as follows:

  • 46% in Engineering Sciences
  • 32% in Physics
  • 19%  in Chemistry
  • 3% in Earth Sciences

♦ One-third of PSIME doctoral students obtained their Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Normandy, one-third in other regions of France, and one-third abroad