Home Page EVENTS Doctoral Students’ Day

This Doctoral Students’ Day takes place in the spring. It is primarily aimed at 2nd-year doctoral students, although it is open to all doctoral students at the host site. The event is mainly based on a series of presentations given by PSIME doctoral students on their work. These presentations are divided into different sessions and are presented before a jury made up of researchers, industry professionals, and institutional representatives. A poster session is held simultaneously. This day is often combined with an event organised by a research organisation that handles topics also addressed at PSIME (e.g. Normandie AeroEspace or Mov’eo). Various prizes may be awarded.


JDD 24

The meeting was organised at the INSA Rouen campus by a dynamic team that demonstrated great autonomy.

Despite a few last-minute cancellations, the event brought together around sixty doctoral students from all the sites and laboratories.

See the programme

Prizes were awarded by a panel of judges and the audience in several categories.