♦ A supervision rate limit applies in all cases.

Supervision rate limit

♦ The method of selecting candidates varies depending on the type of contract. A distinction is made between those for which the DS recruits doctoral students in compliance with a competitive process and others.

A competitive process requires that:

  • the offer is widely advertised on internationally visible sites for a sufficient period of time (two months, which can be reduced to one month in some cases).
  •  all candidates who apply are treated equally by filling out the same application and following the same selection process.

The three types of doctoral contacts subject to the terms and conditions of the PSIME competition are:

  • Institutions (UCN,URN,ULHN,INSAR,ENSICAEN) contracts
  • NR100 contracts
  • Mixed NR50 contracts with co-financing from a norman Institution

Contracts subject to competition

All other types of contracts fall into the category of contracts not subject to the PSIME competition (CIFRE, ANR, European projects, CEA, etc.). This does not necessarily mean that there is no competition between candidates (it depends on the rules established by each funder).

Non-competitive contracts