Supervision rate limit
♦ There is a supervision rate limit for each PSIME HDR, set at 300% (see details in the IR). Supervision rate quotas are set according to the composition of the supervision team (alternative breakdowns, even if they may better reflect day-to-day reality, are not permitted):
- Sole direction: 100%
- Director + co-director or co-supervisor: 50% – 50%
- Director + co-director + co-supervisor: 33% – 33% – 33%
- Director + two co-supervisors: 50% – 25% – 25% (exceptional case, which requires special justification regarding the complementary of the contributors, and may not always be accepted by the enrolling Institution).
♦ It should be noted that the thesis director proposes co-supervision, but this request must then be accepted by the Research Commission of the CAC of the enrolling Establishment.
♦ With the rules given above, the 300% limit can be reached for 3 doctoral students (if supervised solely by one supervisor), but this number can be increased up to 9 doctoral students (for teams with co-direction and co-supervision).
♦ The thesis director can proceed with a new enrolment only if , on the day of enrolment, the total supervision percentage does not exceed 300%. It is the responsibility of each supervisor to check in advance on SYGAL the remaining percentage of the supervision rate they are entitled to.
♦ Winners of ERC projects are exempt from this limit in terms of supervision rate.